Bubbling Under
1. Little Sister / Tarby & Aviators
2. When You're Offline / Turquoise Splash
3. I Don't Complain / Luna Jax
4. Whole Lotta Magic / Wasteland Wailers feat. Haymaker
5. I've Got You / Chi-Chi & Turquoise Splash
1. Stop the Bats (Remix) (+Cover)
9. Academy (+Remix)
12. Beat It
15. House of Glass
19. Pegasus Device (+Remix)
20. On Hold (+Redial)
21. Soldiers of the Night
27. Chant of Mirth
34. Cold (+Remix)
39. Dregs of a Bitter Cup
41. No Chance
47. Tell Me
51. The Blob Symphony
54. Rainbow Factory (Synesthesia)
66. Sight Unseen
70. Lost on the Moon
82. Harmony Ascendant
109. Crash
138. Confrontation
158. On Track
1. Beat It
2. Stop the Bats (Remix) (+Cover)
3. Dregs of a Bitter Cup4. Soldiers of the Night
5. Academy (+Remix)
6. Lost on the Moon7. Tell Me
8. No Chance9. Sight Unseen
10. House of Glass
11. Chant of Mirth12. The Blob Symphony
13 (Tie). Pegasus Device (+Remix)
13 (Tie). Cold (+Remix)15. Rainbow Factory (Synesthesia)
17. Harmony Ascendant
19. On Hold (+Redial)29. Crash
33. Confrontation
41. On Track
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